It is already almost one and a half years since the ErrorInfo data type was introduced (we saw this data type for the first time in BC2021w2). If you do not know what it is and how to use this data type, check my previous posts: ErrorInfo data type & Collectible...
131005 “Library – Dialog Handler” – build test handlers differently
Test UI Handlers are necessary in many cases if you want to test any logic that shows confirm, message, or different page... The most common are ConfirmHandler (to handle Confirm()) and MessageHandler (to handle Message()). To find out more about Handlers, check...
Debugging and launch.json improvements in BC 2022 wave 2 (v21)
In the new version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, there are also some changes to the debugging and launch.json configuration. Launch specific company Having more than one company within your development environment is rare. However, having more companies...
Collectible Errors?! Is it already in use?
Collectible Errors?! Is it already in use? This is the second part of my new article series about Collectible Errors. Let's check out the first part here: Collectible Errors?! | Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Ing. Tomáš Kapitán ( or you might be interested in my...
Report layouts in Excel? Yes!!!
Everyone is surely aware of how strong Excel is as a software. It has been deeply ingrained in corporate operations worldwide, whether it be for assessing stocks or companies, creating budgets, or organizing customer sales lists. Usage of Excel Layout Due to the fact...
Isolated events
With Business Central 2022 wave 1, a new setting for event publishers was introduced. Until this version, any error in any event subscriber caused interruption to the current running process and stopped the whole activity. In some cases (such as log-in), this is...
How to invoke Microsoft Flow for changed records
Microsoft Flow is a great tool for managing your integrations and for task automation. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central have some prepared packages & functionality that allows creation flow with no code (if you want to code, you can). In this article, we...
How to let users choose field(s) properly
When some complex functionality is developed, it is sometimes necessary to let users choose a specific field. This can be required for field permissions, mapping imported values or any similar process. Earlier, the usual way was to create a link on the Field table...
ErrorInfo data type & Collectible Errors
A major change to AL Language development is here! Collectible errors can hugely improve any validation procedures. And what's new? Everything is about a new data type ErrorInfo. ErrorInfo data type ErrorInfo is a new data type introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365...
Data types under the microscope: List
The List data type in AL language represents an ordered collection of objects that can be accessed by their index. Unlike an Array data type, a List does not have a fixed size and does not need to have its dimension specified when it is declared. The List data type...
Connect to Azure Function in BC 2022 wave 2 (v21)
The new version of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central brought a new system module "Azure Functions" that makes integration with Azure Functions much easier and straightforward. The typical scenario, why to use Azure Functions together with Business Central,...
I’m joining the public BC Base App contribution pilot!
Long-planned change is almost there! Almost two years ago, Microsoft revealed a new plan to allow industry experts to contribute not only to the system apps but also to the base app. And it's almost there! Right now, the repository is available only for pilot members...
Collectible Errors?!
Collectible Errors?! It has been already almost a year since ErrorInfo datatype & CollectibleErrors were introduced (I already have an article about basic structure: ErrorInfo data type & Collectible Errors). This article was released for the first time in...
Substituting standard reports
Report objects cannot be extended in versions previous to the Business Central 2021 release wave 1 version when ReportExtensions object was introduced. Since then, many of changes we need to do in reports can be done without creating a new copy of object. On the other...
Custom Filter Tokens
As a user of the Business Central you have some constants you can use to filter or insert values. These constants contain useful values for data manipulation such as t / today for date field - return current dateq / quarter for date field filters - return range of the...
1D & 2D Barcodes in Business Central 19.1
Business Central (cloud-only!) includes one-dimensional (1D) barcode fonts since Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 wave 2 (17.0) was released in October 2020. It is a great improvement to how developers can handle requirements from their clients to print...
Working with Translation Files (XLIFF)
How does the translation file work? In Microsoft Dynamic 365 Business Central, displaying different languages is done using the XLIFF files extension (.xlf). The generated XLIFF files have strings that are specified in properties like Captions, Tooltips......
BCQuizzes by Kepty
Public quizzes BCQuizzes by Kepty are my new project that will be available for everyone. The quizzes are available for anyone interested in Business Central Processes & Development. Do you have any idea how to improve the existing quizzes? Do you have new ideas...