SetAutoCalcFields is very similar method to CalcFields method. The only difference is that CalcField is run on the records already loaded from the database. On the other hand, SetAutoCalcFields is set before the records are loaded from the database. Although it can be...
C/AL Language
C/AL + AL: CalcFields
CalcFields is a method to calculate the FlowFields in a record. Flowfields are special fields (virtual) that are not stored physically in the database/table. Standard fields are loaded once the record is retrieved from the database. However, as the flowfields are...
Optimized Progress Dialogues in C/AL
In the previous articles (see here) we discussed how to build standard progress dialogue in C/AL language. However, as mentioned at the end of the article, this way is definitely not applicable to a production environment due to the performance issues. In this...
Progress Dialogues in C/AL
One of the most neglected things I found on projects I have reviewed is progress dialogue for tasks, that run for more than a seconds. Although it is not always easy to estimate how long the task will run on production data, it is necessary to use progress dialogue as...