With upcoming new major version of Business Central (2019 wave 2 /15.0), there is a lot of breaking changes that we have to work with.
One of the first any developer probably find out is warning about using of TempBlob record variable. This record is usually used as a way how to work with BLOB fields and contains some very useful functions.
With BC 15, the whole functionality is replaced with new module called “BLOB Storage Module” that has better design and is able to be better extended in upcoming versions. So if you open a project that contains definition for TempBlob Record variable, you will se warning like “Table ‘TempBlob’ is marked for removal. Reason: Replaced by BLOB Storage Module.”.
How to solve the warning?
For the most cases the fix is really simple. You have just to replace definition of TempBlob Record variable with TempBlob Codeunit variable definition. All the functions from Record TempBlob are copied in to Codeunit TempBlob.
codeunit 50100 "TKA Blob Tests"
procedure TestBlob()
InStream: InStream;
TempBlob: Record TempBlob temporary;
TempBlob.Blob.CreateInStream(InStream, TextEncoding::UTF8);
codeunit 50100 "TKA Blob Tests"
procedure TestBlob()
InStream: InStream;
TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob";
TempBlob.CreateInStream(InStream, TextEncoding::UTF8);
If you are interested in details of BLOB Storage Module, see GitHub documentation.